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12 Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat At Home

12 Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat At Home

Many of us think about getting rid of stubborn fat to make it disappear, but it all depends on how disciplined you are with regular exercise. It will certainly keep you in good shape and dispel your worries. Who doesn’t want to have an athletic and muscular figure? I definitely want to have it with regular workouts to lose belly fat.

Let’s take a look at all the best exercises to lose belly fat while staying at home.

1. Heel Touch:

– Lie down on the mat and keep your legs bent, feet wider than shoulder-width apart and flat.
– Lean to the side and try to touch your right heel with your right hand and your left heel with your left.

2. Leg raises:

– Lie on your back with your legs straight and together and slowly move upwards to form an L shape. Do it slowly and repeat.

3. Squats:

– Lie on the mat with your hips in the middle of your upper body so that your knees are touching. Remember that the legs should touch the ground in an inverted V position and with some support they must be attached so that they cannot move. Try to lift your body off the floor, touch your knee and repeat.

4. Crunches:

– Lie on the mat, hold the back of your head with your fingers intertwined, lift your upper body, start curling up and try to touch your straightened knee.

5. Half Inverted Chewing Gums:

– Sit on the mat, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Lean back and support your body on your elbows. Lift both legs off the floor and bring your knees almost to your nose.

6. Bicycle crunches:

– Lie on the mat, bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor.
– Support your head with both hands, interlock your fingers and lift your body off the floor. And just like bicycle pedals, you start pedaling in a half-bent position.

7. Knife Crunches:

– Lie down on the mat. Stretch your arms above your head.
– Support your head with both hands, interlock your fingers and lift your body off the floor. At the same time, lift both feet off the floor.
– Try to touch your knees with your hands.

8. Scissor kicks:

– Lying on the mat, keep your body straight with both hands.
– Start lifting your legs, one up and the other down, like scissors, and repeat slowly.

9. Leg Entry and Exit:

– Lie on the mat straight on your back. Keep your hands behind you with your palms flat on the mat. Take your legs off the floor and lean back a little. This is the starting position.
– Bring both legs together. At the same time, pull your upper body towards your knees.

10. Mountain climbers:

– Get into a plank position. Make sure your elbows are below your shoulders. Keep your neck, back and hips in a straight line. Don’t walk up and don’t bend down. This is the starting position.
– Lift your right foot off the floor, bend your knee and bring it close to the right side of your chest.
– Return the right foot to the starting position. Now lift your left foot off the floor, bend your knee and bring it close to the left side of your chest.

11. Burpees:

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Bend your knees and place your hands on the floor. Call it the “frog” position for reference.
Jump up and push both legs back and assume a plank or push-up position.
Assume the frog position again
Jump up and return to the “frog” position.
Jump vertically and stretch your arms above your head.
Land softly on the floor.

12. Planks:

– Kneel on the mat in a relaxed position
– Rest your elbows on the mat facing the floor
– Extend your right leg back and then your left leg
– Keep your neck, back and hips in the same line. Keep your core engaged


Also Read: How to Eat Everything and Stay Fit

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